Friday 16 April 2010

Welcome to our blog

Good afternoon, all.

Welcome to the blog of Sir Bobby Dazzler and Miss Princess Amy.

Amy and I thought it would be a good idea to keep a log of our mini adventures with our mum (@leaselou on this thing you call Twitter) so you guys can see all the mischief and fun we get up to!

At the moment, we pups are in disgrace. Yesterday Amy got a bit excited when she knew mummy would soon be home and she did do something naughty. Mummy has this leather thing that she keeps her pennies in for when she buys us marrowbones... actually, I think it's not mummy's leather thing as it has someone else's initials on and mummy says it's her "louis purse", so we think it belongs to someone called Louis. Anyway, mummy has a leather thing. Had a leather thing. Amy might have kind of chewed it.

It was Ames. All Ames. I am a good boy and don't have time to waste on chewing mummy's things. I might have been known to eat a lipglue or two back in the day, and I might have even chewed the odd pair of things mummy puts on her feet and one of those handbag wotsits, but leather things are small fry, not my thing.

When mummy got home she shut us in the garden for half an hour. Can you believe it? I told her it was all Amy but, no, I still got put outside. What does she think I am? Some kind of animal?

We still got our evening walk in the woods so mummy can't have been that upset. And I was an extra good Dazzler. When mummy let me off the lead I behaved and came back to her call every time, even after I went off chasing a pesky squirrel!

I did very well and made mummy smile again.

Now Amy would like to say a few words. I must apologise in advance because she is very hyper and doesn't really breathe much when she is speaking. It's a work in progress, she's getting better!


Hi hi hi oh my god I am so excited about this blogging I think a little bit of wee might have come out it's so nice to meet you I am princess Amy and I have such a nice life with my mummy and my brother Bobby and there is so much to tell you and oh more wee came out oh my god this is amazing I'm so pleased to meet you all *intake of breath* last night mummy was mad and made me go in the garden but it was nice out there and I saw a flutterby oh and there was grass that I can run on and all my toys and jewels are in the garden and oh yeh mummy was mad but I gave her the eyes and I think I am forgiven now but then I did paddle in the stinky bog to try to apply a mud pack while we were out walking and she got a bit cross again but she did laugh at my black feet and I did have to have a wash in the cold water which I was mad about but then I saw a cat and chased it and if mummy hadn't called me back I swear I would have caught it I think I would *intake of breath* and then I slept in the lounge all evening while mummy watched some boys talking on the box in the corner and mum was talking at the box and kept laughing but not because she found it funny and then and then and then I forgot what we did and then I went to sleep in the room where we gets all our food and woke mummy up at 5:15 this morning and we had a lovely dance where she pretends to still be asleep and she staggers about while I jump up and say hi and tell her how much I missed her and how happy I am to see her and then I did wee on the floor a bit as I was soooo happy *intake of breath* isn't mummy going to be so proud of us and our new blog? *grin*


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you did rilly well for your first blog my pals. I fink you keep it up and it get very popliar. Woof
